The Flower & The Brute

I need to tell you the story of my one night stand.

Yes, singular. I have only had one one night stand in my life, because I fall in love with absolutely any guy I have sex with, so I’d better be careful who I sleep with, because then it’s not a one night stand anymore, it’s a freaking seven year relationship.

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The Mystics

I am a romantic. I am spiritual, I look for signs, I am superstitious. I touch wood. I love to go to churches. I smile to the moon. Nature is my sanctuary, writing is my prayer, and when I look in the eyes of animals I see the profoundness of eternity. I dream with my eyes open, I think things are meant to be. I believe in vibrations, and I believe in destiny.

I am a little bit out there.

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The Treasures

There are two ways for me to do parties. I am either slightly drunk, or I am desperately bored. 

That’s because of my small talk issue, if you remember. On that specific night, I was desperately bored. But then there was the glorious Los Angeles sweeping night views and the warmth of the night. And this very attractive man that kept appearing in my field of vision. 

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The Redirection

Hello, hello from a castle in foggy, beautiful, mysterious Scotland. I am writing to you sitting in the back of a car. From here, I can see Graham talking with the crew in the distance. He is an actor. He is shooting some secret-project-we-are-not-allowed-to-talk-about, and I am here, cute, useless, and quite happy about it.

I was grumpy when we woke up. I knew the car would come pick us up around eight which, by any stretch of the imagination all is not an early call time.

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Is This True?

There are things we are told that have been repeated so many times that they sound absolutely true. But are they? Take things like:

You need to love yourself!

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How Not To Become Dinosaurs

Just a little refresher, the dinosaurs were these prehistoric creatures that were ruling the planet, and then they were wiped out in their entirety by something we are not really sure about, though it might have been a comet crashing on them and suddenly, bam, they were no more.

They became irrelevant, if you will.

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A Date With Disaster

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The Fall Out

I remember sitting at a café in Paris and hearing the sentence : 

“This is not working. You’ve changed.” 

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Life And Death Of An Influencer

Here I am, on a beautiful boat, speeding on the sparkly Mediterranean sea. 

I arrived in Cannes yesterday, and when I got to my hotel room, my bed was covered in presents. I didn’t open them right away. I’m tired of opening boxes. I probably sat on the balcony, smoked a cigarette, and wondered how I was going to survive the next three days.

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The Beat Of My Soul

When I think about it, I was single for about a year. It was… Weird.
And I barely wrote about it.

So weird it was, I don’t even know where to start. First, know that I came out of my last relationship completely drained, lost, overweight. And slightly broke too. But I wasn’t unhappy: I was very relieved – because, as it often happens when women leave, the mourning of the relationship had taken place before the moment of the break up.

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