At The Sex Club

There is this place in Paris that everyone who loves the night has heard about. It’s red, dark and it is right here, in the middle of the city, not so far from from the Place Vendôme, the Palais Royal and the Louvre. You probably walk by it each time you visit.

It’s called Les Chandelles and it’s a sex club.

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Love! Love! Love! And Sex!

It feels like romance is making a come back. Nothing could make me happier.

I mean, what’s better than feeling objectified by an app, going on a blind date only to realize the dude is the co-worker you hate, and ending the night kissing a limp tongued stranger?

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The Flower & The Brute

I need to tell you the story of my one night stand.

Yes, singular. I have only had one one night stand in my life, because I fall in love with absolutely any guy I have sex with, so I’d better be careful who I sleep with, because then it’s not a one night stand anymore, it’s a freaking seven year relationship.

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